Draft Schedule
DAY 1: Getting Started
Morning: What’s it all about?
1. What’s a blog? what’s a WordPress? How do I get started?
2. Using blogs to empower your voice (use cases panel)
3. Using multimedia in your blog (use cases panel, how to)
Afternoon: Deeper Dive
4. Developing and designing for visitors (social tools)
5. Team blogging, Business Blogging
6 & 7. Hands-on help sessions: Let’s get started!
DAY 2: REALLY Getting Started
Morning: About Hawai’i
1. Keeping Traditions Alive (educational/non-profit uses)
2. Tourism and blogging (why does my cafe/hotel/store need a blog?)
3. Blogging Remotely/virtual presence (blogging from the islands)
Afternoon: Fitting Pieces Together
4. WordPress and Static website integration
5. Databases and blogging
6. RSS. usability, security, monetizing, and other technical terms (panel)
7. (open)